That depends. Each area of the body has its own unique healing period and process. Oral and oral/facial piercings tend
to heal fastest, while others tend to heal a bit slower. Also, every individual body heals and reacts to piercings in an individualized
manner. So, your friend may have tackled an entire pizza a few days after getting a tongue piercing (which is HIGHLY unrecommended)
while you, on the other hand, may still be spoon feeding yourself ice cream and soup after waiting the same amount of time.
A general guideline for approximate healing times is as follows:
Cheek: 2-3 months Cartilage: 2 months-1 year Earlobe:
6-8 weeks Eyebrow: 6-8 weeks Genitals: 4 weeks-6 months Labret: 6-8 weeks Lip: 6-8 weeks Navel: 6 months-over
1 year Nipple: 2-6 months Nostril: 2 months-1 year Septum: 6-8 weeks Tongue: 4-6 weeks
Will a piercing heighten sensitivity in the pierced area?
Yes. While all piercings will make you more aware of the pierced area, there are definitely some piercings that heighten
sensitivity more than others. Typically, these include the tongue, nipples, and genitals. As a piercer I have heard everything
from “erotic stimulation” to “instant orgasm.” Now, I cannot guarantee that one of these three types
of piercings will make you shudder in sexual or sensual delight; but, I will say that I have never heard anyone say that one
of these three types of piercings did not enhance sensitivity
Should I "spin" my jewelry when cleaning a new piercing, or will this drag bacteria into the
wound and delay healing?
After receiving a couple emails concerning the effectiveness of "spinning" jewelry during the cleaning process (for a
fresh piercing), I went ahead and consulted Tribalectic's piercing-friendly medic, Dr. Janet L. H. Keating. The following
is her response to my inquiry:
"Rotating or "spinning" the jewelry during healing will cut down on scabbing. If done
with clean hands, it should not increase the infection rate--though I have seen recommendations for minimal handling. In other
words--it is not necessary, but should not be harmful, if done properly."
In accordance with healing, this time period can vary from person to person. There are two things to consider: the initial
and full healing periods. The initial healing period is that time when the body creates a nice layer of skin between you and
the starter jewelry. The full healing period is when the new piercing is entirely healed. Now, when deciding how long to wait
before changing your jewelry you have to remember that you don’t want to reopen the wound. This will delay your healing
process and require intense aftercare to prevent possible infection. And when you change your jewelry you are going to irritate
your new piercing—no matter how gentle you are. So, my advice is to wait until the piercing is no longer tender (meaning,
you can play with your piercing without experiencing ANY discomfort). At this point you can consider changing your jewelry.
However, use as much care as possible when changing your jewelry for the first time!
My piercing looks phucked-up … what should I do?
There are several different things that can be wrong with your piercing. Most commonly, you may have an infection or
adverse reaction to the jewelry. Please click on the Healing and Aftercare link for our comprehensive Suggested Aftercare
& Healing Guidelines. If you feel as though this information is not clarifying your problem, please contact the piercer
at or shop in which you were pierced. If you are in a new location, contact your local professional piercer or shop. If you
still don’t feel satisfied, or if the complications persist, please contact your personal physician or schedule to see
a local doctor.
Should I use alcohol to clean my piercing?
DO NOT use any type of alcohol to clean your piercing. Alcohol is not meant for internal use, and will only irritate
and further complicate the healing process.